July 20


How To Clean A Bedroom | Complete Guide

By Robin Hatch

July 20, 2021

Few rooms make as much of a pleasant difference when cleaned as the bedroom does. It’s the last room we see at night and the first when we wake up. It’s where we unwind and disentangle the events of the day in our minds.

A good night’s sleep is one of the most important things you can hang on to these days. So, cleaning it is one of the most uplifting household tasks when it is finished. It doesn’t have to be a chore, either.

So, how do you clean a bedroom?

First, tidy, declutter, and begin stripping all of your bed linen. Afterward, you can start to dust, and clean windows, mirrors, and any surfaces. Now you’ve done this, you can either vacuum, sweep, or mop, depending on your bedroom’s flooring.

Cleaning any room in the house is never a job to be done with half measures, or you’ll be back cleaning it again a few days later. Here, I will put together a comprehensive guide to cleaning your bedroom in the best and easiest possible way. It’s essential to clean your bedroom as well as bedroom furniture. So, read on below to find out how to clean a bedroom.

Supplies Needed To Clean A Bedroom

The first thing you need to do in any cleaning job is to gather your tools. It would help if you had everything you need when you begin, so you’re not tempted to leave anything out, which will lead to getting frustrated when you can’t find something.

So, let’s look at what you’ll need to clean your bedroom.


Dust is the bane of any cleaning job, and you’ll want to be sure you don’t leave any untouched. So, you’ll need a couple of dusters. For most surfaces, a dusting cloth will do just fine, but you’re also going to want a duster on a long handle for those harder-to-reach areas.

These are great household items that’ll come in handy, so pick one up if you don’t already have one.

Cloths And Sponges

You’ll need clothes and sponges, too. What cleaning job doesn’t require them? Cloths are generally fine since they last much longer than sponges, but sponges usually have a scouring side, which can be helpful for some surfaces.

You probably won’t need to scour anything in the bedroom, so that a cloth will do fine. Paper towels are also convenient.


Whether your bedroom is carpet or hard flooring, you’ll need a vacuum cleaner. Preferably with the attachments, too. Handheld ones are better as they’re easier to maneuver, but standard vacuums are also acceptable.  

If you’re looking for an automated situation, we recommend investing in a Roomba!


If you aren’t running your bedding through the laundry while you work, you’ll want to cover up your bed. You can do this with old bedsheets, towels, or old blankets. Whatever you use, it will get dirty. This will stop it from getting dirty, and you’ll have somewhere convenient to keep your cleaning equipment.

In terms of products, you’re going to need:

  • Glass cleaner
  • Furniture polish
  • Some form of all-purpose cleaner
  • Laundry detergent

Depending on what kind of surfaces and materials you have in your bedroom, you might want to double-check the products you’re using are safe for them. Most all-purpose cleaners will be for most surfaces, but it’s always worth reading the label before use.

Depending on your bedroom, other things you might need include a stepladder for reaching all those corners and a mop and broom if you have hardwood floors. With all of this at hand, you’re ready to start cleaning.

You must keep your bedroom tidy, that way you don’t have to keep remodeling it. Let’s get started!

How To Clean a Bedroom

Finally, you’ve gathered all the appropriate cleaning equipment and are ready to start cleansing your adored bedroom. So, without further or due, let’s get into this.

1. Tidy And Declutter

The first thing you need to do before starting cleaning is get rid of any general mess and clutter. Put any dirty clothes in the laundry, tidy away mess, and throw out anything that needs to be thrown out.

It’s pointless to clean around a pre-existing mess, so make the room as clean and neat as possible before you do anything else. Empty the waste bin and clear your surfaces and nightstand so the room is as empty as possible.

Bedrooms are where we’re most relaxed in the evenings but most frantic in the mornings, so mess quickly builds up.

Take any objects that have left their proper place in the house and ended up in the bedroom. Nightstands are magnets for clutter for almost anything we use during the day. You want the room to be as clean as possible.

2. Strip Bed Linen

Next, you’ll want to get your bedding ready for laundry if you’re doing that as part of your cleaning. You don’t always have to, and you might wash your bedding on a different schedule. That’s fine, but naturally, it can make sense to do them simultaneously. But, do make sure to change them regularly, whatever you do.

Remove the sheets, duvet cover, and pillowcases. If you have a comforter, remove that too. This won’t need to be washed as regularly as the rest of your bed linen. Just make sure it gets an occasional wash.

Put the linen in the laundry machine and set it to a regular cycle. There are few greater pleasures in this world than fresh bedsheets, but perhaps the one is new bedsheets with a sweet fragrance. Use a sweet-smelling fabric softener of some kind for the best results. This can run while you’re completing the rest of your tasks.

It’s essential to make sure you clean your pillows so they don’t turn yellow.

If you aren’t cleaning your bed linen now, now is to drape your blankets, old bedsheets, or towels over the clean linen. Still, use something to cover it even if you are cleaning the linen, as you don’t want your mattress to get dirty, either.

3. Dust Windows & Shelves

Now it’s time to start dusting. In any cleaning job, the most sensible thing is to withdraw from the top down. This way, any dirt, dust, or debris you don’t get will go down to a surface you clean later.

So, take your long handle duster and tackle the ceiling first, making sure to bring light fixtures, the corners of walls, and your ceiling fan, if you have one. Dust will collect in all of these areas.

Then move on to the walls. If you have any framed pictures, get the tops of them where dust collects. Make sure to give the walls a thorough going over, as cobwebs can hide in places you can’t always see.

Don’t forget your windows, either. Get the window frames and the curtains, too. Mirrors will also want to be dusted.

Once you’ve got the walls, move down to surfaces and any further spots where dust might collect, like on your bedframe. Surfaces are critical. You want to make sure you get every inch of dust. Otherwise, it will clump together in a wet mess that is much harder to deal with when the wiping step comes.

I can’t stress enough how much a thoroughly dusted bedroom will feel cleaner than one that isn’t.

4. Clean Mirrors and Windows

Once everything is dusted, move on to anything made of glass. Glass cleaner will work fine for both windows and mirrors. Spray a bit of fluid on your mirror, and wipe it with a microfiber cloth in small, circular motions for best results. This will prevent streaking.

Then do the same with your windows, making sure to get the outside if you can. If a cloth doesn’t seem to be doing the trick with some of the bigger messes on the outside, you could use a squeegee for better results.

You can also wipe the glass in your picture frames, although it’s best not to use window cleaning fluid for this. It might seep behind the frame and damage the picture. Take a fresh cloth, dampen it slightly, and then use small, circular motions to wipe it down.

5. Wipe Surfaces

Now it’s time to wipe down the surfaces. Naturally, the size of this job will depend on the size of your bedroom. It’s another one of those tasks to which you don’t want to apply half measures, though.

You’ve only just decluttered, and clutter will naturally accumulate again. You aren’t want to move anything for a while, so perhaps do the whole job while you can.

As I mentioned, what you’ll need to use here will depend on your surfaces. For most typical characters, an all-purpose cleaner will usually be fine. 

Whatever you’re using, start looking at all hard surfaces, including window frames, tables, chairs, and even your bed.

Removing everything that would normally live there while you clean will give you a more thorough, cleaner-looking job.

Don’t forget to wipe down tables and chairs as well. You might even want to wipe your wardrobe door. Like I said, no half-measures this time!

6. Vacuum/Sweep

Now you can turn your attention to the floor. Again, how you tackle this will depend on your floor, but generally, doing both will give you the best coverage. If you have hardwood floors, remove any rugs and vacuum those first.

You can even give them a bit of a beating in the garden or out the window to get the best results.

If you have hardwood floors, sweeping will probably be adequate to look clean. In any case, sweep first to get rid of any large debris or anything that your vacuum wouldn’t want to swallow. Make sure to get under any furniture, especially your bed.

Again, any spots that you miss now will bug you later, and if you’re planning on mopping, it could make the floor dirty again.

Once you’ve swept thoroughly, use a dustpan and brush to put it all in the trash. Then, take the vacuum round to get up all the finer dust and dirt that the brush couldn’t sweep.

If you have a handheld vacuum, you can use it to get into nooks and crannies on things like shelves and tables.

Your floor should be as clear of dirt and debris as possible before the next step. 

7. Mop

Mopping is optional in generally clean, and naturally, you only need to mop if you have hard flooring. It’s usually fine to mop your bedroom occasionally during a deep clean. It’s not like your bathroom or kitchen, where things are constantly spilled on the floor (unless you enjoy eating in bed).

So, leave it up to your discretion if you’d like to mop as a final step. Fill a bucket with warm, soapy water and mop backward towards the door; this way, you won’t have to step on the clean floor to get out.

8. Finishing Touches

Once your bedlinen has finished drying, remake your bed with clean sheets. Putting sheets and duvet covers back on larger beds can be more difficult with only one person, but the most helpful trick I’ve found is turning the duvet cover inside out, reaching inside, and gripping the duvet’s corners.

Then, pull the duvet up into the cover. Stretch the sheet deep over the corner so it only comes off as far as it needs to when you’re putting on the next corner.


Your bedroom should be smelling pretty nice and clean already, but you might want to burn a candle or some incense or add some fresh cut flowers in a vase. There’s nothing like finishing a job and just putting that little bit of pizazz in at the end.

And that’s it; you’re done! This covers everything you’ll need to do to keep a clean bedroom. During deeper cleans, you can do some things, like cleaning out inside cupboards. But for the general clean, if you follow the steps laid out here, you’ll be sleeping all the time softly.

We’ve compiled a complete list of frequently asked bedroom questions for new and experienced homeowners.

Our team of experts answers these questions to help assist you through DIY projects and home repairs.

Robin Hatch

About the author

For over a decade, Robin has been a real estate agent, interior design specialist, and mother. Through her trials and tribulations, she wanted to create the perfect website to help you save money and make your home look beautiful.

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