Some aspects of your home may not instantly come to mind or be considered until an aspect of inconvenience arises. One such factors could be the lack of windows in your bathroom. This may make you wonder if bathrooms even need windows. We investigated this to get you the answers you need!
Proper interior ventilation is crucial to your health and comfort, whether provided by a ventilation system or openable windows.
If you’re still unclear whether bathrooms need windows, the answer is yes. Bathroom windows or authorized ventilation systems are an absolute necessity. You must have a window or an approved ventilation system in your bathroom in some countries, though ordinances and legislation vary by state, county, and locality.
However, there’s much more to learn about bathroom windows and ventilation options, so keep reading!
Advantages Of Having a Bathroom Window
Apart from meeting the requirements of your local codes and laws, several other benefits are associated with having a bathroom window. Among these are;
- Preventing mold and mildew growth.
- Reducing condensation and making your bathroom more pleasant by avoiding excessive air cold or sweltering circumstances.
- Reducing chances for undesired bacterial growth.
Disadvantages Of Not Having a Bathroom Window
Bathrooms involve various architectural issues, including the requirement to cram a lot into a tiny space, the necessity for plumbing and safe wiring, and, most critically, dealing with high moisture levels.
Moisture is unavoidable in the bathroom. Whether you’re showering or using the toilet, you will contribute a lot of moisture to the air. And when this moisture has nowhere to go, it begins to impact and eat away at the materials in your bathroom. This is primarily due to mold, which thrives in damp environments.
Mold spores are always present in the air, and when they land in a damp environment, such as your bathroom, they begin to reproduce and grow everywhere.
Cabinets, walls, and tiles, to mention a few. And before you know it, it’s gnawing away at everything in its path.
Mold is not only unsightly, but it is also harmful to one’s health. According to the CDC, it can cause fungal infections, allergies, respiratory problems, and asthma episodes.
Furthermore, an unventilated bathroom with high humidity emits a damp, musty odor. Moisture accumulation may also cause your plywood cabinets/closets to distort, rotting and swelling of wood, peeling paint, and, most remarkably, mold growth.
While many people tend to take mold for granted, especially in the bathroom, where it might feel like you’re waging a hopeless battle, the consequences should not be overlooked. It’s therefore imperative to get rid of it as soon as possible.
Of course, the most straightforward approach to deal with moisture is to open a window, but what if you don’t have one in your bathroom? Read on.
Prevent Mold Without Bathroom Windows
Proper Lighting
Mold can only thrive in two conditions: wetness and darkness. So to prevent its growth, ensure your bathroom is adequately lighted.
Employ lots of lighting to guarantee no dark corners in the area, and restrict covered spaces, such as below the bath or cabinets, as much as feasible.
Install a Fan In The Bathroom.
If you have a windowless bathroom without an extractor fan, run out and get one now! After showers or baths, bathrooms are often filled with humidity, and the only way to cope with it is to use a fan.
Keep Your Bathroom Clean
No matter how dark or wet your bathroom is, if you clean it well and regularly, you should be able to keep mold at bay. So get your cleaning supplies out, give your bathroom a thorough scrub, pay special attention to the corners, and mold won’t stand a chance!
Use Moisture Resistant Surfaces
You should avoid using materials prone to collecting moisture in the bathroom. High-gloss surfaces are perfect bathroom surfaces. They’re entirely moisture resistant making it difficult for mold to grow.
Use Shower Doors Made Of Glass
The shower produces most of the wetness in the bathroom, and shower curtains are unreliable and retain moisture.
Instead, use a glass cage to contain the moisture; most of it will run down the drain when the steam cools and turns to water.
Place Plants In Your Bathroom
Plants operate as natural air cleaners, making them your best ally in the fight against smells and mold. Because of the high humidity and temperatures in the bathroom, tropical plants are perfect; practically anything native to Malaysia should suffice!
Install A Skylight
While you may not be able to place a typical window in your bathroom, if you live in a house or an upper-floor apartment, it’s worth seeing whether installing a skylight can answer all of your concerns!
Tip: The most important thing is to keep your bathroom bright, dry, and well ventilated. So whatever you can do to help with that will aid you in your mold-fighting efforts!
The above approaches can help you essentially prevent mold growth in your bathroom. But of course, you need fresh, natural air too. How do you go about this in your windowless bathroom? Keep reading for numerous tried-and-true techniques to accomplish just that!
How Do You Air Out a Bathroom Without a Window?
Showering and bathing in a bathroom without a window can result in several unpleasant scenarios. Bathrooms acquire musty, dank odors, leading to several health problems.
As a result, it’s critical to adequately ventilate such places to remove excess moisture from the air and keep things nice and dry.
Fortunately, ventilating a bathroom without a window is not difficult and requires only a little work (and money) to keep it safe and moisture-free.
6 Simple Ways To Vent a Windowless Bathroom
1. Make Use Of An Exhaust Fan
If your bathroom does not already have an exhaust fan because your construction code does not require it, installing one should be your top priority. Nothing beats the mechanical motion of an exhaust fan, which will suck the air out of a bathroom and expel all that wetness outdoors.
Turn it on every time you take a shower or use the faucet, and leave it running for 15 to 20 minutes after you’re through.
Tip: When purchasing an exhaust fan, ensure that it is large enough for your bathroom. For example, if your bathroom is 100 square feet, choose a fan with a CFM rating of 100. Anything less will be ineffective.
2. Wipe Up Spills And Drips
Precaution is always preferable to cure. So, before your bathroom rots due to moisture, you should take action and physically remove any moisture. You may accomplish this by cleaning out any spills and drips in your bathroom once you’ve finished using it.
This includes any water on the floor, steam flowing down the walls, mirror fog, etc. It may be a time-consuming and laborious operation, but it will ensure a dry and mold-free bathroom.
Tip: If you have a shower curtain, don’t pull it back since it can cause folds and trap water droplets inside. Just open 1⁄4 of it to allow the moisture to escape.
3. Install Portable Fans
You may also use a portable fan inside your bathroom to dry damp surfaces swiftly. You have to position it to aim towards the wettest areas.
Tip: Buy an oscillating fan that can be turned at various angles to aim in different directions. Also, make sure it’s lightweight and tiny enough to fit into a small spot, such as a restroom.
4. Make Use Of a Dehumidifier
A dehumidifier is a foolproof technique to eliminate moisture from any environment. These ingenious small gadgets can absorb moisture from the air and collect it in their reservoirs via condensation. And, owing to technological improvements, you can get them at relatively affordable costs.
Tip: Be careful not to set the gadget on a damp floor. To make this happen, you’ll need to buy a tiny and compact device that can be put on a shelf. If this is not the case, seek a dehumidifier with casters or plastic feet.
5. Towels Should Not Be Dried Indoors
Most people make the mistake of hanging damp towels inside their bathrooms. As the towel dries, this causes extra moisture in the air and frequently leaves a musty and unpleasant odor behind. Always remember to hang wet/damp towels outside the bathroom.
6. Make Use Of a Moisture Absorber
If none of those methods work for you, consider purchasing a moisture absorber such as Damprid (check availability & price on Amazon). These little bags are constructed of calcium chloride crystals, which absorb moisture from the air.
Using only one strategy is unlikely to be very effective, especially if you take a hot shower every day.
In that case, you’ll have to experiment with other approaches. For example, try utilizing an exhaust fan while avoiding leaving spills unattended or keeping damp towels in the bathroom.
Even if you don’t take long baths or showers very often, constantly ventilate your bathroom in some way for a comfortable and safe breathing environment.
Also, rearranging a bathroom to maximize natural light is always good. Natural light is perfect for putting on cosmetics and shaving, but it is also a great way to add personality. With the addition of picture or awning windows higher on the wall, bathrooms may be opened to the sun and sky. If you have a private yard, you might consider installing bathtub windows and windows near the vanity.
Do you wish your bathroom had enough natural light to illuminate your vanity and enhance your mood without losing privacy? The inventive bathroom window ideas below demonstrate how it’s done.
Window Options For Your Bathroom Remodel
Picture, slider, and awning windows are popular choices for bathroom windows because they provide the impression of a larger bathroom by making it light and open. Each one is different in terms of function, privacy, and aesthetics.
Bathroom Sliding Windows
From one side, sliding windows open horizontally. Sliding windows are popular in contemporary-style houses because they provide access to fresh air in confined places or areas that demand a little additional ventilation, such as a bathroom.
Low-maintenance vinyl and sturdy fiberglass are used to create long-lasting patterns.
Awning Bathroom Windows
Awning windows, which are hinged at the top and swing out from the bottom, are another popular choice for bathrooms due to their ventilation.
They enable additional natural light in your bathroom while still providing seclusion due to the window’s height.
Picture Bathroom Windows
Picture bathroom windows will brighten and expand the space in your bathroom.
Picture windows are used as art in some of the most popular bathroom designs, framing a standalone bathtub or illuminating a vanity from the side or above.
For over a decade, Robin has been a real estate agent, interior design specialist, and mother. Through her trials and tribulations, she wanted to create the perfect website to help you save money and make your home look beautiful.